Finishing Well
Have you ever walked through a graveyard? I know they are pictured in books and movies as scary places, but in reality they are very quiet, peaceful places. Green grass grows all over. Flowers are everywhere. Even the design and architecture of the tombstones is fascinating. The only unnerving thing about this place is the thought that below the ground are the bodies of people. In all reality, they, the people, are no longer there. It is, however, sobering to read the tomb stones, the dates especially. It's a history lesson in and of itself to read the epitaphs. One can see just what kind of life a person led. As we travel down the row, we read the first stone which depicts a person, now represented only by a cold grey stone. They led a life of sin and perversion landing them in that grave at an earlier age than normal. The stately stone representing the city's respected mayor stands near. He was once an officer in our nations military, served on the state ...